#shorts مرت العديد من البلدان في التاريخ (بما في ذلك تشيلي 🇨🇱بلدي) بأوقات عصيبة للغاية في محاولة تحديد ما إذا كانت الدولة ستتبع نظامًا اقتصاديًا شيوعيًا أم رأسماليًا/اشتراكيًا. ولكن هناك مكان واحد حيث حلوا هذه الاختلافات بأذكى طريقة رأيتها على الإطلاق!. دولة إسرائيل 🇮🇱 عندما تأسست إسرائيل، كان لدى العديد من الناس أفكار رأسمالية وكان لدى العديد منهم أفكار شيوعية. وبدلاً من إجبار الجميع على العيش في ظل نفس النظام، حددوا أن الدولة ستكون اقتصادًا حرًا ومن أراد أن يعيش أسلوب حياة شيوعي يمكنه القيام بذلك داخل هذه المجتمعات المسماة كيبوتس 🤷♂️👏🤯عبقري! في الواقع، نجح النظام بشكل جيد لدرجة أن الكيبوتسات لا تزال جزءًا صغيرًا من اقتصاد هذا البلد. في الأصل، كان لدى العديد من الكيبوتسات نظام شيوعي حقيقي حيث حصل الجميع على نفس الراتب، وتقاسموا مساحة تناول الطعام، وتناوب الناس على العمل على الأشياء المختلفة اللازمة لجعل المكان يعمل، مثل قطف الفاكهة والطهي والتنظيف وما إلى ذلك. 🏡🏡🏡 يوجد اليوم حوالي 270 كيبوتسًا في إسرائيل ولكل منها نظام مختلف قليلاً. معظمهم لا يتقاسمون كل شيء بعد الآن كما اعتادوا، ولكن يبدو أنهم جميعًا مساهمون في المجتمع بأكمله، وبمرور الوقت، أصبح الأشخاص الذين يعيشون في الكيبوتسات أكثر ثراءً معًا. #الشيوعية #الشيوعية #الاختلافات الاقتصادية #الحل الاقتصادي الذكي #ذكي #يهودي #يهود #إسرائيل #التكنولوجيا الإسرائيلية #أفكار إسرائيلية #أفكار #إبداعي #إبداع #سفر_إسرائيل #القدس #تل أبيب #كيبوتزيم_إسرائيل #اقتصاد_حر #الشيوعية_في_الرأسمالية #أسلوب_حياة_الكيبوتز #تاريخ_إسرائيل #أفكار_اشتراكية #النظام_الشيوعي #النظام_الرأسمالي ►بضائع نظرية آلان: ►دورة لغة Pimsleur تجريبية مجانية لمدة 7 أيام: ►ادعم نظرية آلان في ►اشترك: تذكر استخدام هذا الرابط للحصول على نسخة تجريبية مجانية من دورة Pimsleur بأي لغة تختارها، وبهذا تدعم هذه القناة أيضًا: _________________________________________ الروابط ►Patreon: ►اشترك: ►فيسبوك: ►إنستجرام: ►تويتر: ►تيك توك: Alanstheory —————– أدواتي: هذه هي الأدوات التي أستخدمها لإنتاج هذه الفيديوهات:: – كاميرا سوني A7S2: – عدسة سوني vario-tessar 16-70mm f4 – GoPro HERO 7 Black – حقيبة ظهر حقيبة ظهر AmazonBasics DSLR للكاميرا والكمبيوتر المحمول – حامل ثلاثي Joby Gorillapod 5k – بطاقة ذاكرة SanDisk Extreme PRO UHS-I SDXC بسعة 128 جيجابايت – برنامج تحرير Premiere Pro – كمبيوتر Apple MacBook Pro (16 بوصة، ذاكرة وصول عشوائي 16 جيجابايت، سعة تخزين 512 جيجابايت) – قارئ بطاقات USB-c إلى SD |شبكة رائج
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اشترك في نشرتنا الإلكترونية مجاناً.
32 تعليق
Does it include Palestinians though?
Imagine sharing something that you stole from others💀
The inventors of Communism were jewish and Communism is 100% a Talmudic concept. It works in Israel…go figure. It's supposed to work for them only.
“everyone splits the money from the factory equally” That one person we all know be like – I worked harder, I deserve more! 😂 if they equally worked hard & had no problems, it’d be pretty impressive hence fair!
Not surprised, Jews typically stick together and help eachother out. They have a bond unlike any other ethnicity all thanks to Adolf H.
Only if other ethnicities followed suit
And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. (Revelation 20:15)
The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God. They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one. Have all the workers of iniquity no knowledge? who eat up my people as they eat bread, and call not upon the LORD. (Psalms 14:1-4)
communism is when no personal property and small commodity production. Lassalleanism is back!!!
Kibbutzs are communes …. more like big family businesses …. and work very well indeed and are very profitable …. and the Kibbutzians are free to come and go as they like ….. Israel is like any country in the west ….. and there is definitely no signs of Communism anywhere in the country.
No I was just sleeping with our wife
Communism is a moneyless, classless, stateless society.
Google it, you should Google all the basic ideological definitions as many people don't know. This is just a cool hippy compound that has co-op businesses. Communism doesn't mean you share your car, paycheck, and toothbrush.
Marx was a dirty basement dwelling midwit. Unfortunately he dropped his brainchild on its head.
Imagine birthing the most murderous ideology known to man. Sad
Share it with the Palestinians as well or did you steal it from them?
I actually think this completely works. Communism on a small scale can absolutely work, Because you know the people around you and you can hold them accountable. The government will always be too large and have too much bureaucracy For centralized communism to ever work here, And that's okay.
I was asked to study "co-operatives" when I was in College and for some reason I was drawn to the United Kingdom and Europe where some of the Larger Businesses were operated. I was not at that time a "believer" but a student doing a research project. I did this project because over so many years Education and Educators had been so very decent to me. Some of the Professors suggested I study co-operatives in Israel at a Kibbutz instead. This is my first exposure to the word. One "expert" on co-ops said that they are best kept "small" and mentioned they might be "harmful" if they got too large. I quickly checked information on Israel with over 9 million people has only 120,000 living on or in a Kibbutz. Business is a lot of work. Don't give up Law School to work in a Kibbutz Factory would be my advice. As it turned out the University that originally wanted the research project decided it was no longer interested… and the people I met running co-operatives…. co-operatives are usually small and the people did not like my academic approach. What continues to shock me is talking about Israel as a Communist Country. I respect your right to call it what you want.
Israel pretends not to impose an ideology meanwhile the poor people of Palestine suffer
No, thanks.
I hear Sad Palestinian noises in the background
its more socialist then communist btw most kibbutzim in Israel left the socialist life and adopted capitalism because at some point the system didn't work because Israel became more developed and adopted capitalism.
Pity it’s all on the blood of others .. that isn’t your lands you aren’t even the ppl the bible speaks of.
You all should be ashamed
"everything belongs to everyone!" as long as your family line can be traced back to Europe post-ww2
National Bolshevism
Didn't communism oppress Jews, tho? Explain why Jews fled Soviet Russia.
So, a kibbutz is just Israeli word for communal living?
A Russian just told me y’all have an American take on communism 😭😭 and I laughed cause Yall actually do y’all have the western take on things 😭
Kibbutz???!!? Share!?!!!?! That not a word to describe Israel
That's Palestine land