هل ترغب في بث المزيد من المحتوى مثل هذا… وآلاف الدورات التدريبية والأفلام الوثائقية والمزيد؟ 👉 👉 ابدأ تجربتك المجانية لـ Wondrium 👈 ——————————————————– — مع ورقته البحثية عام 1905 حول التأثير الكهروضوئي والكمات الضوئية، بدأ أينشتاين ثورة الكم. ومع ذلك، مع مرور الوقت، أصبح أقل ارتياحًا تجاه بعض النتائج الغريبة لنظرية الكم الجديدة. تعرف على بعض هذه الدلالات، والمسارات المسدودة التي اتبعها أينشتاين في محاولاته لتجنب قبول الطبيعة الكمومية لعالمنا. هذا الفيديو هو الحلقة الثامنة من سلسلة ما أخطأ أينشتاين، تقديم دان هوبر. اعرف المزيد عن اكتشافات أينشتاين الساعة 00:00 مشاكل أينشتاين مع فيزياء الكم 05:18 اكتشافات جديدة حول التداخل الإلكتروني 06:10 أينشتاين منزعج من ميكانيكا الكم 08:19 كيف يجب أن نفكر في سلوك الإلكترون؟ 12:07 أينشتاين: “الله لا يلعب النرد” 16:22 هل كان أينشتاين متدينًا؟ 18:14 تفسير كوبنهاجن لميكانيكا الكم 20:14 مؤتمر سولفاي الخامس للفيزياء 23:45 رفض نظرية المتغير الخفي لأينشتاين ————————– —————– مرحبًا بك في Wonderrium على YouTube. هنا، يمكنك الاستمتاع بمجموعة مختارة بعناية من مقاطع الفيديو المتعلقة بالتاريخ والعلوم والرياضيات التي تعرفها وتحبها من علامات تجارية مثل The Great Courses والمزيد. إذا كنت ترغب في السفر عبر الزمن، أو تساءلت عن علوم الحياة، أو كنت ترغب في فهم أفضل للرياضيات، أو حلمت باستكشاف النجوم… فإن قناة Wondrium ستكون قناتك المفضلة الجديدة على YouTube! إذا قررت أنك ترغب في معرفة المزيد حول ما تحبه، فاطلع على التجربة الكاملة في هناك، وستجد إجابات متعمقة لكل ما تساءلت عنه يومًا، مع مفاجآت مذهلة على طول الطريق. عقلك سوف يحب هذا المكان! ——————————————- كما يمكنك قراءة آلاف المقالات من أذكى الخبراء في مجالاتهم في The Great Courses Daily: وبالطبع تابعونا على جميع قنواتنا الاجتماعية: -Facebook: -Twitter: -Instagram: ————- —————————— #Einstein #QuantumTheory #WhatEinsteinGotWrong |شبكة رائج


39 تعليق

  1. Could we be the dice players? This is an invitation to see a theory where light is both a wave and a particle, with a probabilistic future (∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π), continuously unfolding in relation to the electron probability cloud of atoms and the wavelength of light. According to this theory, the wave-particle duality of light and matter (electrons) creates a blank canvas that we can interact with forming a future relative to the energy and momentum of our actions. This interaction is represented by a constant of action in space and time, mathematically denoted as the Planck constant h/2π. This concept is supported by the continuous exchange of light photon energy (∆E=hf) into the kinetic energy (Eₖ=½mv²) of matter, in the form of electrons.

  2. It seems very unlikely that this is so. That its only a probability where a electron happens. I suggest the rerror is in the presumption light is a wave or a particle. instead its a thing that only manifests itself in a wave or particle based on resistence. The darkness being the resister. just as light is resisted by glass or water etc.

  3. So what if Einstein was not talking about the god of the bible or of any other religion? Whose says you need a specific religion to address God? Einstein used the term God so obviously he meant God. "God does not play dice with the universe". That's quite a definitive statement if you ask me. So the question is… We understand that an atheist denies God for himself… But why must an atheist deny God for another? Especially if that other one (Einstein in this case) is very clear about what he's saying.

  4. This guy is already wrong. Einstein was referencing that there is order to quantum physics hence the quote, "God doesn't play dice with the universe". Einstein already knew there is order in the universe which humans perceive as chaos.

  5. What is described here about Einsteins view on Quantum Mechanics are cliches. There is a whole book with the letters exchanged between Einstein and Max Born.
    Einstein himself explicitly denied believing in a deterministic world view.
    Einstein was not so much concerned about the probabilistic nature of the Quantum world (though the quote is correct) but about what he called "spooky action at a distance" (spukhafte Fernwirkung in German) and what is now called Non-locality. The first time he brought this up was by a thought experiment at the Solvay conference 1927.
    It is also a cliche Niels Bohr always found a convincing answer to Einsteins thought experiments. He did sometimes and at other time did not even understand what Einstein aimed at.
    There is no scientific consensus on the Kopenhagen interpretation, not now and never was and their disciples could never agree between each other what it meant.
    There is only a Kopenhagen mysticism.
    Schrödinger like Einstein never agreed to the Kopenhagen views (that is why Schrödinger constructed his famous cat thought experiment) nor did John Bell and many other.
    For a more balanced view read the Book of Douglas Stone (Physicist professor at Yale university) : Einstein and the Quantum.

  6. No, as the Devine Being that Preserves and us the Protector Imagines the Creation being Infinite/Eternal and IS already everywhere and every when at First Awakening of the Reality. I see nothing strange about quantum mechanics nor sub-quantum reality. The Mystery of mysticism is there is no mystery at all if understood which requires pure Rational Intuition to comprehend. I think a doctor Goddard said there is just one electron and neutron where two such neutrons touched one another and the Particle Wave occurred. It's close but no cigar. The Universe and Cosmos are Imagined and each future is selected by the choices each human being Imagines just like the the Reality does as Flow by each extant and potentially imagined partial wave Front agreed upon democratically by all that moves and has never moved as the Flow of Time/ Space now flowing as the Finitely synthesized Illusory Imaged Infinitely in our reality. What is determined is the Best Fit for each Particle as the Flow of Time in Space and the new different Space/Time. Einstein was fixated on a steady state Cosmos and should have determined that the Cosmos and Original Creation was ubiquitous and steady state eons before particles came into existence as Universe of universes, hot and Kinetic and differentiated never extant before. See acedamia.edu for 60 free papers on the subject. So far science barely has a clue.

  7. To what extent was Einstein aware of and familiar with Henri Poincaré's work which laid the foundations for Chaos Theory? Also, what was his understanding of the problem of knowing the instantaneous (or initial) phase of the wave function? Even a simple precision sinusoid is unpredictable if the initial (or instantaneous) phase is not known in advance.

  8. Planet? Cigar =Big

    Cigarette =Small cigar,

    Plane = Big plane

    Plane- ette =Small Plane

    "Plane" is "Flat." Earth is Flat!! "Airplanes" fly in the "Air" over a "Plane." We live in a pressurized system. YOU CAN'T HAVE AIR PRESSURE WITHOUT A LID AND YES! YOUR METEOROLOGIST IS LYING TO YOU AND YES! YOUR TEACHERS LIED TO YOU!!!

  9. "Spaaaaace!" lol…If you "Bendy" oceans!! lol..Thermosphere . 2,000 freedom degrees Farenheit!1 "Satellites" made of everything that melts in the "THERMOSPHERE!" "Spinney" whirled (World lol)but you can't feel it!!! "The vacuum of spaaaaace!" next to a non-vacuum lol..Yes, your "Teachers" lied to you!!1 only thing has gone to "Spaaaaaace," is your imagination. "Space suits" with their 'Spaaaace cotton" and "Vacuum of spaaaace" resistant zippers!!1 GTFOOH!!! Shaddap loar!!Planet? Cigar =Big

    Cigarette =Small cigar,

    Plane = Big plane

    Plane- ette =Small Plane

    "Plane" is "Flat." Earth is Flat!! "Airplanes" fly in the "Air" over a "Plane." We live in a pressurized system. YOU CAN'T HAVE AIR PRESSURE WITHOUT A LID AND YES! YOUR METEOROLOGIST IS LYING TO YOU AND YES! YOUR TEACHERS LIED TO YOU!!!

  10. Not bad but still only a classical overview of the history of QM; the main fault is not mentioning the cause for De Broglie's "material" wave interpretation and the plenty of paradoxes arising from it like the "moving" "particle" would have higher energy and then higher frequency (E=hf) but according to Relativity Theory, the effect is the opposite: f'=f(1- (v/c)^2)^ (-1/2)- the consequence of Lorentz formula for the light's source. At the background is a typical physicist's lack of knowledge of the. methodology of his own subject matter (in general: philosophy of science, esp. not distinguishing between a (mathematical)model and the (laboratory) data,here, esp. forgetting that Jacobi-Hamilton mathematical models of "wave" and a "particle" was not a physical "things" but just a model to explain other data of experiments (available only later). Consequently, talking about the wave of a ball or any tiny rigid body (being) is a total para science that forgets that QM is a statistical theory and does not deal with an "object"! More; any statistical (or probability law) is the same deterministic as any classical physics laws but it only deals with the sets of objects. Nothing mysterious here. The name Heisenberg's Uncertainty is a deception and a thought experiment for Heisenberg's microscope is misleading as treating an "electron" as traveling and consequently it suggest His) momentum is a function of speed but that is not the case if the datum is treated as the interaction of a measuring device with a field(wave) that does not move but is standing (on the definition)

  11. This video is nonsense. Einstein contributed more to quantum theory than any other physicist in history.

    Einstein didn't just write the photoelectric paper, he quantized the radiation field.
    He then followed that up with his seminal paper on the Specific Heat of Solids.
    He then followed that up with another seminal paper on Phonons.
    He then followed that up with a revolutionary paper on Wave-Particle Duality. De Broglie almost literally copied Einsteins equation, applied it to electrons, and won his Nobel Prize on matter waves (which he would never have been able to do without Einsteins paper). Einstein, using ingenuous statistical arguments, did this 13 years BEFORE De Broglie did.

    Bohrs work on electron orbits (discontinuous transitions) was also a direct byproduct of Einstein's work from 1905 to 1910.

    Einsteins work on Spontaneous and Stimulated Emission, as codified in the Nobel-Prize worthy Einstein A and B Coefficients, created the foundation for the LASER.

    Einsteins work on Bose-Einstein Statistics and Bose-Einstein Condensates, in which Einstein, and Einstein ALONE, predicted the Boson (which, due to historical reasons was incorrectly named) which created Condesed Matter physics – an entirely new state of matter. Without this work of Einstein's, superconductivity would be impossible. Without Einstein's work in this area, Schrodinger likely never derives the proper equation for the wave function as he always acknowledged.

    It was Einstein who first conceived of what would essentially later become the Born Rule, according to Max Born himself, by interpreting the "square of the optical wave amplitudes as probability density for the occurence of photons." Max Born took Einsteins work – which Einstein had applied to a gas of photons – and simply applied it to a gas of electrons. And then won a Nobel Prize for it (Born, much like Schrodinger, was effusive in his praise for Einstein).

    Einstein was the first to discover Entanglement, something that Bohr, Dirac, Heisenberg and Schrodinger etc all missed. Einsteins seminal EPR Paradox paper laid the foundation for quantum information theory as Clauser, Aspect, and others have widely acknowledged.

    There is no quantum mechanics without Einstein as T. S. Kuhn, Stachel, Stone, Brown, and many other physicists and historians of physics have acknowledged.

    For Dan Hopper to imply that Einstein's dislike of Quantum Mechanics meant that he didn't contribute to it other than being a critic of it is not just patently false but the shows a distinct lack of intellectual honesty. Did Einstein dislike certain elements of quantum theory, yes. Did he criticize it frequently, yes. But he also contributed most of the original concepts that would make it's way into the theory (including the aforementioned wave-particle duality, B-E Condensates, Intrinsic randomness, and Entanglement, to name only some).

    Poor video. I recommend to anybody interested in learning about Einstein's IMMENSE contributions to Quantum mechanics to read two books starting with:

    1. Einstein and the Quantum: The Quest of the Valiant Swabian by Douglas Stone
    2. My God, He plays Dice!: How Albert Einstein Invented Most of Quantum Physics by Bob Doyle

    To quote Sean Carroll "If anything, Einstein is underrated; he understood quantum mechanics better than anybody ever has."

  12. I will just say what I think is happening, and it does indeed involve God playing dice. There are two different ways to travel faster than light, which can as a matter of fact be represented in the Minkowski formalism. In the way which exchanges spacelike and timelike intervals we can have wavelike behaviour with both constructive and destructive interference, and this is what the Schroedinger equation is describing. In the other way which exchanges energy and momentum we have tachyonic Brownian motion which is orthogonal to the first way, complying with the principle that modification of the Schroedinger equation is prohibited. TBM is often almost invisible, but it does come into play when matter interacts with the electromagnetic field in nonlinear fashion, leading to a classically random outcome and no Schroedinger's cat issue.

    Don't believe me? Well I want to work out how a computer simulation can make use of a random number generator, so alternative suggestions are welcome. Just watch that point about not modifying the Schroedinger equation at the ensemble level.

  13. The books of the Bible were written by horrible, fear-filled men to control women, minorities and society in general with extraordinary fear and radical bigotry. Here’s but a few examples of the horrific bigotry they continue to teach today:

    "If a man lies with a man as one lies with woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They must be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads" — Leviticus 20:13

    ¨And they entered into a covenant to seek the Lord, the God of their fathers, with all their heart and with all their soul, but that whoever would not seek the Lord, the God of Israel, should be put to death, whether young or old, man or woman.¨ — 2 Chronicles 15:12-1

    ¨And if a man sells his daughter as a servant, she is not to go free as the menservants do.¨ — Exodus 21:7

    We can never hope to grow out of radical bigotry if we keep teaching it to our kids… #ChristianCoup #NaziCoup #RepublicanCoup #AntiScience #IntolerableIntolerance

  14. So it works like this. God created the universe, the big bang. You ask: how? This is how. God created what I call the Expanding Graviton. The expanding graviton has 3 main properties. 1) Gravitons are wave functions. Wave functions have quantum states for momentum/position/energy/spin. 2) Expanding gravitons are the carriers of the physics constants. The difference between superstring mathematics and Expanding gravitons is that Expanding gravitons are endowed with physical existence by virtue of being the carriers of the physics constants. 3) Expanding gravitons are called expanding gravitons because they expand at the speed of light with radius r = speed of light * time. This is the foundation of relativity and was inspired by the time dilation derivation of which critics should familiarize themselves with. When wave functions are part of a quantum system, like the hydrogen wave function, it is because the charges have overcome a very tiny, very neglible amount of energy required to capture the expanding graviton, making it a captured graviton. Dark energy is the graviton "capture" energy of all of the gravitons that exist in the universe, today. Gravitons are continually being created (by events?). The inflationary epoch of the big bang can be explained by the creation of gravitons at an accelerated rate, many orders of magnitude higher than normal. The surface area of an expanding graviton is a virtual photon. So, the Creator created the first graviton. Squeezed it down to an energy E = hf = energy of the big bang. This corresponds to a wavelength of about the diameter of a graviton, lambda = c/f. Lambda = Planck constant*speed of light/energy of the big bang. Energy of the big bang is approximately 10^70 joules. So the wavelength is about 10^ -96 meters which is a lot smaller than the Planck scale. Then, God said, Let there be light. Big bang.

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