يمكن أن يكون تفشي الهربس نتيجة لضعف جهاز المناعة أو الإجهاد. تعرف على كيفية زراعة الأعشاب في المنزل لعلاج هذه الحالات من خلال المعلومات المفيدة التي يقدمها خبير الأعشاب في هذا الفيديو المجاني حول علاجات الهربس البديلة. الخبير: روبرت ليند جهة الاتصال: www.acuherbals.com السيرة الذاتية: روبرت ليند هو طبيب الوخز بالإبر وأخصائي أعشاب مسجل. المخرج: كريستوفر روكوش وصف السلسلة: الأعشاب هي طريقة طبيعية رائعة لمكافحة الأمراض الشائعة. تعرف على كيفية استخدام الأدوات المنزلية لعلاج أمراضك من خلال النصائح المفيدة التي يقدمها أحد خبراء الأعشاب في سلسلة مقاطع الفيديو المجانية هذه حول العلاجات المنزلية العشبية. |شبكة رائج


29 تعليق

  1. I was diagnosed with HPV 3 years ago and was in the middle of a very painful first outbreak where I was always waiting for things to get better. All thanks to Dr Papa Ray on YouTube for his positive contribution to my mindset. If there are more doctors like you, the world will be a better place. I'm grateful, Doc.

  2. Am grateful to Dr Igudia who have given so much of himself to keep me healthy and safe from HSV. You are a perfect combination of responsibility and care. Thank you for taking care of your patients so delicately. Your positivity, helpfulness, and dedication to patients really stand out

  3. Writing a thank you note to you Dr Igudia in a way to let you know that I so much appreciate your hard work, compassion, understanding, and positivity you put to help me get through my tough moments with Genital Herpes virus. I’m grateful doc

  4. Dr. Umoru have really been an aide to me I have been diagnosed with HSV2, I have no belief that I will be free from this disease from the pit of hell. As a matter of fact Dr. Umoru natural herbal medicine have proven to be true over all medical medications I am now completely free from herpes virus..

  5. You are always in my prayers Dr. Umoru I pray you stay safe because the world needs you. I am here to say that my herpes virus is completely eradicated from my system after using the effective herbal remedies I received from dr, umoru..

  6. I thought I would never feel normal again, but you fixed me Doc. My heartiest gratitude to you Dr Papa Ray for helping me cure my HSV2 successfully without no side effects, God bless you so much

  7. I thought I would never feel normal again, but you fixed me Doc. My heartiest gratitude to you Dr Papa Ray for helping me cure my HSV2 successfully without no side effects, God bless you so much

  8. I never believed I would be free from HSV2 again, not until I came across Dr. Umoru who gave me his advice and some of his herbal medicine and to my surprise after going for test my results came out negative..

  9. Special thanks to Dr kuriama herbalhome, on YouTube for am finally done with all my struggles of herpes virus with his herbal medicine. thanks doc.reach out to him on his YouTube channel Dr kuriama herbalhome..

  10. Dr. Umoru has the permanent cure to herpes virus, I am a living testimony of how his medications work and change my life from herpes positive to negative. After years of suffering from this virus I am totally free after using dr, Umoru effective herbs..

  11. You're such a lifesaver Dr. Umoru I am so happy that I gave your herbal medications a try, after being with herpes virus for years I am now completely free after using your supernatural herbal medicine thank you so much Dr, Umoru I am forever grateful to you..

  12. I so much appreciate your kind gesture Dr Obaz, right from the day I came across your channel my life has never been the same. Thank you for helping me get rid of hsv1/2, your professionalism and medication was a top notch and I so much appreciate it. God bless you Dr Obaz👋

  13. "Dr. Ogoh's treatment gave me more than just a cure-it restored my faith in life and hope for the future. I recommend him to anyone seeking true healing for Herpes infection,, …❤❤❤

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