يواجه الكثير من المحاربين القدامى أصعب معاركهم في صمت. في #شهر_الوقاية_من_الانتحار، نشارك هذه الرسالة من متلقي منحة الشفاء التأسيسية من VETS والقوات البحرية المتقاعدة، DJ Shipley. تظهر قصته أن الشفاء ممكن، وأنك لست وحدك، والأمل ليس بعيدًا عن المنال أبدًا. في VETS، نحن ملتزمون بكسر وصمة العار وتوفير الدعم الذي يحتاجه المحاربون القدامى لإيجاد طريقهم إلى الأمام. تواصل معنا. ليس عليك أن تمر بذلك بمفردك. 💙 الموارد: خط أزمات المحاربين القدامى: اتصل بالرقم 988، ثم اضغط على 1 خط أزمات الانتحار: اتصل بـ 988 خط المساعدة الخاص بإدارة خدمات استخدام المواد والصحة العقلية: 1-800-622-HELP (4357) للحصول على معلومات حول العلاجات البديلة، قم بزيارة: vetsolutions.org/e – دورة / لحضور دورة VETS الإلكترونية للحصول على نظرة عامة على العلاجات التحويلية vetsolutions.org/healing-grants/ للتقدم بطلب للحصول على منحة الشفاء التأسيسية لـ VETS Maps.org للحصول على مزيد من التعليم psychedelic.support للعثور على مزود العلاج thethirdwave.co حدد موقع عيادة تم فحصها لمعرفة المزيد عن DJ، شاهد مقابلته علىShawnRyanShow: اتبع DJ وVETS على Instagram @dj_shipley85 @veteransolutions |شبكة رائج
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اشترك في نشرتنا الإلكترونية مجاناً.
21 تعليق
Every one talks about this treatment but, no one says where you can get it…
DJ is fucking awesome
It’s okay to not be okay, it’s not okay to stay that way 🩶
I’m not a vet…. But this speaks in volumes… thank you
You need to forgive your folks, brother. Unforgiveness is probably the most toxic burden of all.
Thank you, sir! Your honesty is greatly !
Plant based medicine= shrooms, iawasca, etc
God bless you, my friend.
Plant based therapy? I read Mary Jane helps with PTSD.
What is the plant based med? I've been suffering for years!!!
You are so brave and beautiful. You have done things no one else was brave enough to do. I am proud of you. Much love
Many blessings bro
Say stop 🛑 to negative the thought ,then replace it with a positive thought, or relaxing scene in your mind , Take command over your thoughts, It works . From a grandmother who taught herself to do this and you can too. Each time stop 🛑,Then replaced with a positive ! You can train yourself to do this !
I believe Marcus Capone has a lot to do with this treatment.
I Enjoy Plant Based Therapy…….😅
Thank you.
“Plant based medicine”, “woke up the next morning”, I’m guessing they didn’t take too many edibles, maybe something stronger. Maybe
There's a tinier voice that belongs to the Holy Spirit. Listen to that voice.
Thank you 🕉️💜
I get it sometimes we can’t make sense of it kinda like that which we all endured to some level or degree while serving.
That’s where we “let go” with the mind and take control with the breath. That’s the beauty of “breath work” we don’t have to think bc just like you said brother you can’t explain it not even to yourself thus the expression “there just aren’t words” and your right there aren’t words.
There is only energy stored in our bodies called “emotion” or energy in motion. How many times have you over your life time held your breath in disbelief, fear, or was made to feel less than the magnificent being of love that you are?
Every time any human being has had to “control their emotions” what they have actually done is STORED THEIR EMOTIONS in the body and then try to make sense of IT sometimes LIFETIMES later when in all actuality it is not the event so to speak of that is necessary to “relive” with our words bc as we all know sometimes there aren’t words but there is always our breath.
With the breath we can release ALL of those stored up energies without ever having to utter a word.
“Let Go & Let God” is what the world says, we say let go of the mind and allow Love to work its perfect work with your breath, with every breath we take we are communicating with our bodies. Work with your own, find your breath and watch a world appear all around you that can only be attributed to a “miracle” which after all you are the miracle that I AM. I am that Love, I AM and so are you!!
US Army K9 OEF 04-05 / OIF 07