منذ ما يقرب من 140 عامًا، اخترع الألماني كارل بنز السيارة الحديثة. وكان هذا الإنجاز رمزا للتقدم التكنولوجي الذي حققته بلاده. نظرًا لأن ألمانيا كانت مطورًا متأخرًا مقارنة ببريطانيا العظمى، فقد أصبحت رائدة عالميًا في “الثورة الصناعية الثانية”. وعلى مدى القرن ونصف القرن التاليين ـ وعلى الرغم من الهزيمة في حربين عالميتين ـ أصبح التصنيع الألماني موضع حسد العالم أجمع. وحتى وقت قريب، في هذا القرن، كانت الدولة المصدرة الأولى على مستوى العالم، وكان نجاحها الصناعي يشكل أهمية بالغة للتكامل الأوروبي. “صنع في ألمانيا” كانت جملة مهمة. كانت السيارات الألمانية مرادفة للتميز الهندسي. ولكن الآن، قبل شهرين فقط من الانتخابات العامة الأكثر أهمية منذ عقود من الزمن، تجد البلاد نفسها في موقف محفوف بالمخاطر: فقد توقف النمو الاقتصادي، واستحوذت الشركات الصينية على حصة في السوق، وانقطعت إمدادات الطاقة الرخيصة من روسيا. الحس السليم القديم لم يعد يعمل. فماذا سيحدث إذن لهذه القوة العالمية المحتملة؟ هل انتهى نموذجها الاقتصادي؟ وماذا تعني قصة ألمانيا بالنسبة لمستقبل أوروبا؟ ينضم إلى آرون لمناقشة كل ذلك فولفغانغ مونشاو. غطى فولفجانج الشؤون الأوروبية والألمانية الحالية لأكثر من 25 عامًا في صحيفة فاينانشيال تايمز. وهو يكتب الآن لصحيفة New Statesman، ويستضيف البودكاست “Euro Summarying”. ويتناول كتابه الأخير الذي يحمل عنوان “كابوت!” انهيار النموذج الاقتصادي الألماني ـ وإلى أين يتجه بعد ذلك. يتم بث Novara Live كل أيام الأسبوع من الساعة 6 مساءً على YouTube وTwitch. يتم إصدار حلقات Downstream أيام الأحد الساعة 3 مساءً على YouTube. __________________________ ادعم صحافتنا بشراء سلع Novara Media: تبرع بأجر ساعة واحدة شهريًا، أو بأي شيء يمكنك تحمله:
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46 تعليق
Novara Media is supporting the brainrot by inviting literal CIA sponsored figures like Anne Applebaum and letting her spit her lies without any challenge from NM side.
Angela Merkel the East German Communist made the country dependent on Russian Gas of her masters !
Wait for 12-15 million refugees from Ukraine on your doorstep Germany.
This is the level of discussion you get when your information sources are the boomer dominated establishment system(university, corporate & banking) & main stream media.
What a rube. Germany is declining because it no longer has cheap energy and has regulated itself out of competitiveness even if they had cheap energy
Is Aaron Bastani still a socialist? Asking for a friend
But what are the "bad" ideas? The Greens in Germany has destroyed Germany's industry and the CDU failed to invest into the German economy. So should the Greens and CDU have been excluded from German politics? Reinstate the kaiser? To suggest that there is too much consensus is deeply deeply anti-democratic.
Germany exhibits clearly the utter failure of contemporary lefty ideas, with its huge tax burden (over 40% of gdp!), generous benefits to the unproductive (you have the same lifestyle as a chronic unemployed and as a non specialized worker) and uncontrolled immigration. Add some green policies like retiring nuclear power, and a bit of antagonism to that bad bigoted conservative putin and his cheap gas and you have a failed, broken country.
Germany exhibits clearly the utter failure of contemporary lefty ideas, with its huge tax burden (over 40% of gdp!), generous benefits to the unproductive (you have the same lifestyle as a chronic unemployed and as a non specialized worker) and uncontrolled immigration. Add some green policies like retiring nuclear power, and a bit of antagonism to that bad bigoted conservative putin and his cheap gas and you have a failed, broken country.
God the technical discussion of mobile phones and electric cars is so fucking ignorant it hurts. Dear god! Go tell Apple they are a software company. Fucking hilarious!
Listening to how EVs are going to save everything makes me want to puke. Come back to reality.
I see a lot of blame on the U.S. The US. couldn't have done more damage to Europe than european leaders already have if it tried.
When depand on russian cheap gas and chinese cheap stuff its a risk, but its not a risk if depand on US dollars, germany cars or western swift-system. 😂
Good show, German democracy !
The west lead themselves to tue cliff.
His argument seems to rest on the idea that growth in the US is attributable to productivity gains from better tech adoption, something Germany supposedly failed to do. But this isn’t actually true. I think the Financial Times perspective on politics is interesting too. But maybe just a bit of push back from a socialist/ not totally tech deterministic perspective would make for a more interesting Interview.
Shameful that Germany backed the genocide in the middle east.
This man is capable of identifying problems, but his solutions are ridiculous. And his strong geopolitical preference for the USA makes his retelling of the Nord Stream story almost farcical
Super on point when he says "THEY INVESTED IN OPTIMIZATION INSTEAD OF RESILIENCE " – that is because optimization = near term increase in profits
Hey l! you say donations will bring better studio, ok, but better SPEAKERS???? What's wrong with the amazing speakers you have now?
The same reason why Japan decline in this era of AI and Internet. The Germans failed to master English, the language of AI and science and commerce. Ditto Japan. And I hope, not China.
Germany run the corps of EU but doesn't have and never had political or economic autonomy to make independent decisions. Because Germany is occupied nation since 1945. Soviets left in 1990, Americans never did. If Germany is failing its American political decision done by local apparatchiks in German political system created by same Americans after WW2
This was a great discussion. Thank you1
Both of you are caught up in the mainstream narrative established by USA and the as usual amplified by Britain. There was nothing wrong with increasing relations with Russia the last decade, as the interviews proudly states he was right about warning. The part that was wrong was supporting NATO expansion to the Russia borders, obeying Washington’s requests for energy sanctions which harmed only Germany and not investigating the Nordstream sabotage and if Washington found guilty then demanding them to repair it.
Reading the comments has lead me to the opinion that Germany as a whole has a distorted view of reality and is in more trouble than I thought. The first step in solving a problem is to clearly define the problem. Thinking that all of Germany's problems are the fault of the United States will lead them to disaster which will be a major loss to all. If Germany sees themselves as a vassal of the US … well, it seems to have worked pretty well till now. Stop and take a look at the nations that have been in the orbit of the Russians.
I have started listening to this interview as I thought there is a critique to be made of contemporary Germany. Alas this guy is clearly not the one to make it. At least I have been saved the effort of reading his book.
First of all, I do appreciate Navara media, so thank you. I do wonder why, as it concerns Russia, there is no context given. Such as nato constantly encroaching on to Russia, which may explain Russian aggression toward Ukraine. I'm just trying to understand.
Didn't learn much from thi😢s. It's like class politics doesn't exist. Very capitalist analysis.
Ethical and moral leftist grandstanding instead of growth and investment in innovation, and center-right austerity strangling investment from the other side. The green and identitarian politics have completed Merkels project to destroy the german economy. Anti-Atomic power, anti-car agenda combined with quotas instead of competence.
Ruzzki bots everywhere 😂
I apllaud myself for getting passed an hour of this very ideological drivel. Is it even possible to have so much dellusion in a single podcast!
What is sad in this very thin conversation is based on the illusion that a relationship with Russia is ideologically bad, so we'll base all decisions on an unproven narrative. Germany has made it's choice, no pragmatism, so the economy will tank – faster than the guest seems to think it will take – and it will take the rest of the EU with it.
We know that the Rwanda scheme could only have worked if the UK had left the ECHR and repealed the laws that the last Labour government put in place. In that sense it was a gimmick. However what was their strategy?! They must have known it would fall apart. Or they may have thought that they would just override the EU rulings like Germany recently did in sending back Afghanis. It makes no sense to waste such time and money. There must have been more to it or could the U.K. ruling class really be that incompetent!?! 😮
Perhaps we really just need the male, pale and stale people back in British government as they were able to not only create an incredible country – but just look at their incredible feats worldwide !!
At this point, as a woman, I’d even give up my vote to save western civilisation !!
Excellent, well done. This was really fascinating, intelligent & informative. More please.
As in Britain, energy is too expensive for industry so they move to where it is cheaper.
0:50 Not sure if he knows this, but the russian pipelines were turned off. It seems Germany is not that reliant on russian energy for a while now. Multiple LNG ports were built to import gas from other countries.
What a bunch of nonsense, instead of aligning with the Russian and benefit from this, the EU decided to align with the USA, when the US just want to use them as useful geopolitics pieces for their global war against China and Russia.
if china is coming for it lunch… why is German factory moving to US and not China? the reality is German economic collapse is engineered by the US. but we can't talk about it because we are colonial slave of the US…
One element to account is GeoRisks are settled by leads of each block. That means for Germany Russia and China were an opportunity as they didn’t plan to enter in geo wars with them. In fact, for most Europeans it would be better to have a great relationship with Russia and China. But EEUU cannot accept that. Germans did not understand they are still a colony post WWII. EU is a joke and British still influence too much the Central Europe control on the Americans. Germany itself social stupidity against nuclear is just the catalytic element.
His commentary and two world wars suggest that NATO's value is more to keep European countries from declaring war on each other than defense against Russian imperialism.
Sad that Germany had to kill off the Jews in WW2; this event (The Holocaust) brought us two problems we have today: Israel and Ukraine. Problems with Russia, US, etc. have to do with how we all recreated our countries post-1945, as a result of WW2. The US military /industrial complex comes right out of WW2. Sadly, Germany is at the root of its own problems, once again. Quit blaming everyone else and be mature and deal with your problems. As my German grandmother used to say: Halt die Klappe! Das Schimpfen geht auf die Nerven.
The organisation that is the EU is the issue!!
A most of Europes current issues all steam from the mighty EU 🇬🇧
To say European governments aren't good at industrial policy begs the question of how they expect to compete and prosper.
Brilliant conversation. I am from Poland, living in London and I am deeply into global geopolitics and regional geopolitics. This podcast was priceless, thank you. 🤝👍
Is it true Germany has replaced nationalism with Zionism?
German engineering is as well known for eccentricity and arrogance as for virtuosity. It is joked that in contrast to Japan, German engineering's idea of flower arrangement is to set them in a straight line according to stem length.