إقرأها في جلسة واحدة! بعد أن سخر منها موعدها الأعمى، غضبت وتزوجت من رجل غريب على الطاولة المجاورة. ضحك الجميع على حقيقة أن الشخص المعاق وفتاة القرية كانا متطابقين تمامًا … |شبكة رائجديسمبر 14, 2024
شاركها فيسبوك تويتر لينكدإن بينتيريست البريد الإلكتروني |شبكة رائج Antarctic Arc penguins.. رائج شبكة
@krishartvigson on أكتوبر 29, 2024 11:45 ص There's plenty of krill in the Arctic! WTF do you think the whales eat up here? رد
@S_C_O_R_P_I_O_31 on أكتوبر 29, 2024 11:45 ص There were flightless birds in the north pole at one time. They even looked similar to penguins. However, they were hunted to extinction. 😢 The great Auk. رد
@jerryavila1 on أكتوبر 29, 2024 11:45 ص Christian Larsson was one ignorant creature who lived in ignominy رد
6 تعليقات
There's plenty of krill in the Arctic! WTF do you think the whales eat up here?
There were flightless birds in the north pole at one time. They even looked similar to penguins. However, they were hunted to extinction. 😢 The great Auk.
Christian Larsson was one ignorant creature who lived in ignominy
Maybe they flew back to the Ant Artic for the summer.
I thought he dropped all dudes…
Flat Earthers triggered…. ReeeeEEEeeEEEEee!! 😂😅😂