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اشترك في نشرتنا الإلكترونية مجاناً
اشترك في نشرتنا الإلكترونية مجاناً.
12 تعليق
Genetics hit the wall in his family line.
Thanks to Rachel from Accounts and two-tier pensioner harmer Starmer
Will wait to buy bonds.
Labour back wow
Inflation up no surprise there then,
Unemployment (no movement – yep we all believe that)
Interest rates? No doubt only 1 way, yep won't be down
After "smashing the gangs illegal immigration should be skydiving down- yep it skydiving up
More businesses to close ta to The Socialists increase in NI
What can you say about what this government is doing about destroying it
As The Sweet would say "They ain't got a clue what to do
Labour represent anybody but The British people
Pound is overvalued
And Americans thought Inflation was created by Joe Biden 😂😂, not too bright we are smh (obviously, we voted a Fascist felon for Prez smh)
This all all down starmer not even the banks like him.Labour killing this country no wonder companies are moving abroad and spain is the hottest for companies to move to because of taxes and national insurance plus the wages are much lower there so this means more profits . Wellcome to spain come one and all .
んんんんんんんん Little disappointed jave to waite buy UK bond 👽👽👽
UK is outdated,,,downward spiral
Uk central bank printing money for ukraine and illegal immigrants so of course pound is losing value. All Brits need to start buying satoshis of bitcoin to save themselves from corrupt goverments using inflationary money printing.
Do anybody need Rate-Cuts.