عندما يتم حظر أحد المسارات، يجب تمهيد طريق جديد. كيف استخدم أينشتاين وهايزنبرج وجودل القيود لتحقيق اكتشافات غيرت الحياة: ❍ اشترك في The Well على YouTube: ❍ التالي: لم يكن أينشتاين عميلاً وحيدًا. وإليك سبب أهمية ذلك. تناقش عالمة الفيزياء الفلكية جانا ليفين ثلاثة أمثلة للقيود في العلوم، وكيف أدت في النهاية إلى إنجازات هائلة في الفيزياء والرياضيات. أدى الالتزام بسرعة الضوء إلى بدء ألبرت أينشتاين سعيه نحو النظرية النسبية، كما زرع مبدأ عدم اليقين لهايزنبرغ بذرة ميكانيكا الكم، وأدت نظرية عدم الاكتمال لكورت غودل مباشرة إلى اختراع أجهزة الكمبيوتر والذكاء الاصطناعي. كثيرًا ما نفكر في القيود باعتبارها حواجز لا يمكن اختراقها ولا يمكن كسرها. ومع ذلك، فإن هذه القيود نفسها لديها القدرة على إلهام طرق جديدة للتفكير وإحداث ثورة في العالم كما نعرفه. لقراءة النص الكامل للفيديو: ——————————————– ————————————– ❍ نبذة عن البئر ❍ هل نسكن أكوانًا متعددة؟ هل لدينا إرادة حرة؟ ما هو الحب؟ هل التطور اتجاهي؟ لا توجد إجابات بسيطة لأكبر أسئلة الحياة، ولهذا السبب فهي الأسئلة التي تشغل أذكى العقول في العالم. إذن ماذا يعتقدون؟ كيف تعمل قوة العلم على تعزيز الفهم؟ كيف يتعامل الفلاسفة واللاهوتيون مع هذه الأسئلة الرائعة؟ دعونا نغوص في البئر. ————————————————– ——————————– انضم إلى The Well على منصاتك المفضلة: ❍ Facebook: ❍ Instagram: |شبكة رائج
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30 تعليق
uncertainty is the determinism
What does uploading consciousness mean? If we upload all the information stored in the brain and run it on computers it won’t be the same stream of consciousness. The only way to live forever is to isolate the brain and keep it alive be giving it everything it needs to survive
So I'd like to put this proposition. Quantum physics is basically simple, everything is made up of particles, we have only clues as to what holds them together when they are in a form, we can manipulate and know the function of very few particles and that might change, we have a rough idea of where they come from and some good speculation on how they form. And its likely all of this is less than 1% of what we could one day know, maybe. For me and I hope someone can talk to the point "constraints are harder for me to understand" For example, what if the belief that supports the constraint is wrong, do you get the same creative burst or do you get a creative burst of things that are wrong? Please share your thoughts, great talk too Janna
From beginning of BigBang to the end of the universe.
From beginning of Blackhole to the end of Hawking Radiation.
Are….. Implications of….. Nature….. Reality.
Quantum Information and Quantum Entanglement are Fundamental.
Quantum Mind emerge.. Collection, Pattern of QuInfo and QuEntang.
Quantum Body emerge.. Std.Model emerge, DNA, Protein synthesis.
Mind and Body entanglement.. Consciousness emerge.
Spacetime emerge.. Mass.. Energy.. Wave fn. Decoherence.
Mathematics Emerge.. Intrinsic in the fabric of the emergence.
Holographic Principle..Information Conservation, Energy Conservation
I too was a theoretical cosmetologist, but I couldn’t makeup my mind
…By challenging the authorities, I became myself an authority… A.Einstein
Great and hip nail polish colour, too😊
Well we'll we'll
What do we have here.
Music pleaze ?
God is what is undiscoverable.
We were not made to understand everything imo.
Machines don't 'think' in a biological sense rather machines will do what they are programmed to do, within the physical constraints of their machine parts,
So that's not really thinking is it ?
Laws are the basis for decision making for so many people, yet the laws are not based on doing good, even if lawmakers used to aim at doing good.
Plug law into AI's decision-making parts and you'll have decisions made that do not aim to do good.
UK law that is.
The one thing she said that I understood the most was "We don't really understand it, even today."
Thinking from the problem is a great idea 💡.
It's greattttt !
There are literally facts we will never know in the realm of mathematics.
Really nice explanation!
Nice explanation 🎉 short and sweet!
We forget that Einstein did not stick to it, and he entertained and proposed "Variable speed of light" (VSL) theories and apparently if we entertained it we get rid of dark matter and dark energy..
How scientists seek truth. Religion must seek truth just like science. That would be a true religion.
Ship1 at rest on top:
<—– N———-T
Ship2 at rest at bottom:
T———-N —–>
Here we have 2 ships passing each other and each diagram shows one of the ships at rest and the other one moving and length contracted. There is 1 moment when T of ship1 is lined up with N of ship2. This moment must be the same moment for both ship1 and ship2. At this moment, N of ship1 is located on opposite sides of T of ship2 simultaneously which is clearly impossible.
And what was she trying to communicate again?
Without constraints, there can be no creativity. Can't remember who said that, but someone did so it must be true.
Great explanation. It takes courage to contradict centuries-old ideas but this is what helps us get closer to the truth. Wonderful video 👏
How you gonna leave oppenheimers name out of this
Could we perhaps Colonize the impossible if not able to all out “Conquer” 🤔 Lucifer-Vv knows what I’m sayin 😂 , but fr does complexity/information/Cs theory help detangle a lot of this uncertainty, and if so how and at what point will people be satisfied and comfortable?
Sure, having guidelines is helpful and gives containment for energy to shape into concrete ideas… But…look where that lead him. He never wanted his love for understanding to be used for what is a concrete lack of understanding one another. He didn't do anything wrong, it just ain't right. I know that the river needs it's borders to define and not dry up. But have you ever asked the river water if it wants to flow that way or even be a river?… containing: yes
Becoming a detriment by constraining: no
That just ain't right
The truth is that it is possible for something to go faster than the speed of light
Awesome explanation.
Wow nice good